To create a new repository, we will be using the following endpoint:
POST /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos
When using curl, the full command looks like this:
curl --user <user>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @input.json -X POST <Bitbucket URL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/<projectKey>/repos
(i) The authenticated user must have PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the parent project to be able to create a repository.
There are various options that can be set while creating the repository depending on the content of the input.json file.
At a minimum, the input file has to contain the name of the repository:
"name": "My Repository"
To enable the "Public access" while creating the repository, this is how to define the payload:
"name": "My Repository",
"public": true
A non forkable repository ("Allow forks" option unchecked) is created by using this input file:
"name": "My Repository",
"forkable": false
Caterina Curti
Developer Advocate
109 accepted answers