Hi Bitbucket community,
We have a small announcement to share about a change we’re making to streamline Bitbucket Cloud.
As of September 2, we will be removing the Open watched pull requests page from personal notification settings (bitbucket.org/account/settings/watched/pull-requests).This means that the ability to see the count of open PRs from the Notifications page in personal settings (bitbucket.org/account/settings/notifications) is also being removed.
With this change, we are removing the ability for users to manage watched pull requests in a central location. Users can still see a list of their watched pull requests for a given workspace by clicking "Pull requests" in the top navigation and applying the "I'm watching" filter.
Users will continue to get notifications for watched pull requests. To toggle notifications for individual pull requests, users can select "..." > "Watch / Unwatch" on individual PRs. They can also click "Unwatch this pull request" in the footer of notification emails.
Dave Parrish _Atlassian_
Product Manager, Bitbucket
San Francisco
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