Welcome to another Bitbucket Pipes digest. This month comes packed with additions to Pipes. Don’t forget to subscribe (click Watch and select Articles)!
This month we have some updates on existing pipes:
Deploy your code to Firebase.
Upgrade firebase-tools to version 8.4.1.
Deploy an AWS serverless lambda stack using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).
Bumped aws-sam-cli 0.17.0 -> 0.53.0.
Bugfix: Separated required variables for package-only and deploy-only command.
Create a Bitbucket Code Insight report based on Checkstyle result files generated by the build.
Fix default values for pipe variables defined in metadata.
Scan for vulnerabilities in your projects with the Meterian scanner through this Bitbucket Pipe in your Pipeline configuration. A list of supported project languages can be found here.
Added support for private go modules hosted on BitBucket and GitLab.
Notify Sentry of any Bitbucket Pipelines builds to automatically manage releases and quickly surface any errors associated with a given build.
Added support ENVIRONMENT and FINALIZE parameters.
Perform an in-depth analysis of a container image, resulting in reports showing software package vulnerabilities, Dockerfile and other security/compliance violations associated with the container image.
Bump inline scan to v0.8.0.
To discover more Pipes, visit our Bitbucket Pipes Marketplace.
Halyna Berezovska