Welcome to the next Bitbucket Pipes digest. This month comes packed with additions to Pipes. Don’t forget to subscribe (click Watch and select Articles)!
Perform forge deploy / install operations |
script: - pipe: atlassian/forge-deploy:0.1.0 variables: FORGE_EMAIL: "human@example.com" FORGE_API_TOKEN: $FORGE_API_TOKEN FORGE_APP_PATH: "./my_forge_app"
atlassian/bitbucket-dependency-scanner:0.2.0 Bitbucket Security: Dependency Scanner The bitbucket-dependency-scanner pipe scans your project's dependencies and detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities associated CVE entries. |
script: - pipe: atlassian/bitbucket-dependency-scanner:0.2.0 variables: NVD_API_KEY: $NVD_API_KEY UPDATE_NVD_CACHE: 'true'
atlassian/ms-teams-notify:0.1.0 Send notification to MS Teams channel. |
script: - pipe: atlassian/ms-teams-notify:0.1.0 variables: WEBHOOK_URL: $WEBHOOK_URL MESSAGE: 'Hello, world!'
atlassian/jsm-ops-send-alert:0.1.0 Sends alert to JSM Ops |
script: - pipe: atlassian/jsm-ops-send-alert:0.1.0 variables: JSM_API_TOKEN: $JSM_API_TOKEN JSM_CLOUD_ID: $JSM_CLOUD_ID JSM_USER_EMAIL: $JSM_USER_EMAIL MESSAGE: 'Hello, world!'
Bitbucket pipe to trigger UserWay Continuous-Accessibility analysis |
// userway.config.js /** @type {import('@userway/cicd-cli').Config} */ module.exports = { organization: 'my-organization-slug', project: 'my-project-name', token: process.env.USERWAY_TOKEN, reportPaths: ['./uw-a11y-reports'] };
atlassian/git-secrets-scan:3.0.0 Bitbucket Security: Secret Scanner Scans your files for hardcoded secrets, keys, and passwords. Creates a security Code Insights report if secret is found.
Breaking change! You have to update your pipe variables and commands. Take a look at the README for an additional information. |
atlassian/bitbucket-iac-scan:0.5.2 Bitbucket Security: Infrastructure as Code Security Scanner Scans your Infrastructure as Code configuration files to ensure good security practises. Creates a security Code Insights report if issue is found.
atlassian/aws-eks-kubectl-run:3.0.0 Execute a kubectl command on your Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster.
atlassian/aws-lambda-deploy:1.12.0 Deploy function to AWS Lambda.
Publish your python package to pypi.org or any other python package registry.
atlassian/google-cloud-storage-deploy:2.2.0 Deploy code to Google Cloud Storage.
sonarsource/sonarqube-scan:3.0.2 Detect Bugs & Vulnerabilities in your repository
sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:3.0.0 Detect bugs & vulnerabilities in your repository
atlassian/google-gke-kubectl-run:3.5.0 Run a kubectl command on your Google Kubernetes Engine cluster.
This is a pipe to perform scan by Renovate
Execute a kubectl command on your Kubernetes cluster.
atlassian/jenkins-job-trigger:0.10.0 This is a pipe to trigger a Jenkins job
atlassian/checkstyle-report:0.5.2 Finds Checkstyle report files in working directory and converts the results into a Bitbucket Code Insight Report.
atlassian/azure-aks-deploy:1.4.0 Deploy to AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) using Kubectl.
atlassian/azure-aks-helm-deploy:3.4.0 Deploy to AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) using Helm.
atlassian/trigger-pipeline:5.8.1 Trigger a pipeline in a Bitbucket repository.
atlassian/google-app-engine-deploy:1.7.0 Deploy an application to Google App Engine.
atlassian/serverless-deploy:2.1.0 Deploy your Serverless framework application using AWS, Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure providers
debricked/debricked-scan:4.0.0 Pipe for integrating Bitbucket with Debricked. Automatically analyse your latest commits and pull requests for known vulnerabilities.
To discover more pipes, visit our Bitbucket Pipes Marketplace.
If you’d like to suggest a pipe to be improved or new pipe to be implemented, please, find the appropriate ticket in the list of existing tickets , vote for them or create a new suggestion request with type Suggestion and Component: Pipelines - Pipes.
If you’d like help with Bitbucket Pipes, or you have an issue or feature request, let us know on Community.
Oleksandr Kyrdan