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Bitbucket Cloud is removing tags links and lozenges from the “Commits list“ page

Hi everybody,

We wanted to share an update with our customer community about changes coming to Bitbucket Cloud UI shortly.

Throughout the month of June 2024 , we will be removing tags links and lozenges from the  Commits list page. Tags themselves continue to be supported. They can be added to commits. They will continue to be visible on the individual Commit view pages for each individual commit. They will also continue to be available in drop-downs for selection. This also means you can filter for Commits based on tags from the Commits list page.

We had to make this decision for technical reasons. As our product continues to grow, we always look for opportunities to improve product’s architecture to enhance performance. Sometimes this means trade-offs with changes to the product interface. In this particular case, we have been able to improve the page’s performance particularly for customers who experienced significant delays in load times for this page.



Stefan Tichelaar June 24, 2024

That’s just mindboggelingly bad…

Tags is basic GIT functionality and we use it a lot to mark releases and ergo track the commit tree related to releases.

Not being able to visualize a tag in the commit tree is just… Can not believe this.

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Kevin Gérard June 25, 2024

please DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!

We rely heavily on visualizing the tas in the commit overview! 
This cannot be an improvement in any way!!! 

At the very least make it configurable per repository if the commits page is to show tags or not. 
I've NEVER experienced slow page loading on the commits post, yet i'm losing important functionality now? 

ok, if you'll take away functionality, but please reflect this in our bill. 
please provide me a 20% discount for the next 5 years... 

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Bjorn Kaiser
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June 25, 2024

Yeah, echoing what Kevin and Stefan already said: this is such a bad decision. I always used them as a very useful visual guide to show me which new commits I will deploy based on those tags. Please add this back ASAP.

We had to make this decision for technical reasons. [...] In this particular case, we have been able to improve the page’s performance particularly for customers who experienced significant delays in load times for this page.

I know it is easy to say from an outsider perspective, but wouldn't it instead have been worth to look at _why_ the pages load slow and address that instead of just removing it altogether? I feel like recent changes on Bitbucket made my experience just so much worse compared to GitHub.

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Peter Crowley June 25, 2024

Wow. I am shocked to hear that displaying a list of tags presents an insurmountable technical challenge. This is very disappointing!

I have found the tag links display to be quite helpful in visualizing which commits are included in each of our release versions. Please make this feature configurable at the very least!


EDIT: Turns out there's already a suggestion to bring the feature back. Please vote for it:

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Victor Scurtu June 26, 2024

This is a bad idea, unless you are planning to have another view which will show the tree with all refs like branches, tags. 

The Tags in a dropdown is great, though.

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Antony Siegert
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June 26, 2024

Does "Throughout the month of June 2024 " mean you are working on a solution to return this valuable feature?

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Colin Hagan
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June 26, 2024

@Antony Siegert this seems like a great reason to switch to GitHub for our repo hosting and growing CI/Pipeline needs


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June 26, 2024

It doesn't seem like there is a compelling reason why (other than potentially technical difficulty) that this couldn't have been a per-repository setting. We rely heavily on tags, commits, and JIRA tickets being easily cross-referential on the commits pages for our release management.

I really hope that you will bring back this feature, even if it's default-off for repos and must be manually enabled.

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Quynh Duong June 26, 2024

Just want to chime in and say we are devastated by this change...

I'm even more compelled to glue my eyes to github now tbh.

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Travis Howse
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June 26, 2024

This change adversely affects our workflow. Being able to see tags in the commit list on the Bitbucket web UI is very useful. Please consider reverting this change.

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Stefan Tichelaar June 26, 2024

Like Peter Crowley mentioned:

Turns out there's already a suggestion to bring the feature back. Please vote for it:

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Olivier SIMON
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June 27, 2024

I first thought I changed some settings...
And then, I finally see that post.

Please, put this feature back !

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Igor Efrem
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June 27, 2024

This is unacceptably bad!!! We use tags to version our applications and our DX experience is much much worse... Please reconsider this decision!!!!

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Jeff Holtham
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June 27, 2024

Boo! I use this to scan through the commits between versions (tags).

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John Keippel III
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June 27, 2024

Having a visual indicator of tags was helpful for us considering we use tags to manage our in house Terraform modules. It was trivial for engineers to load up the commits page and see what the latest tag was and know that the latest changes were properly tagged. Among other useful reasons to go looking for tags in the context of the larger commit history.

Otherwise, just here to agree with EVERYONE else that this is an odd, not so great, change.

Marcus Hunger June 27, 2024

This is very bad. We are actively working with tags. Please reconsider!

Amit Goel
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June 27, 2024

This is bad, We are using this feature a lot .

Alec Keeler June 28, 2024

As a Release Engineer this seems a major feature we will lose, Now a dev has to either examine the tags from the commandline or check my build records to work out which hash was used to build a particular component rather than just using the BitBucket UI commits page and looking for the tags

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June 28, 2024

This is a bad change, revert this please

Tobias Ringel
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June 28, 2024

So let me get this straight, you can spare resources for a stupid gamification feature, but keeping an important feature of git is beyond your capabilities?

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Peter Maco June 28, 2024

This is a terrible change! Are you playing some game how to get the product worse?

Igor Efrem
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June 28, 2024

I thought whole night why someone will do such a bad thing to the product?!?! I have an impression that someone decided to drive away all the customers and to bankrupt the company. They started in right place 

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Kevin Duterne
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June 28, 2024

We’ve had numerous complaints from devs in day one alone.. At what time did anyone think showing release tags could be an optional a feature 🤯 

If it is bad for performance, at least give the option to show the tags by a show all/tags button ( like for branches ) 

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