Hi everybody,
We wanted to share an update with our customer community about changes coming to Bitbucket Cloud UI shortly.
Starting on May 20, 2024 , we are removing Merged pull requests
tab from the Branch compare view. Displaying list of commits and the diff between two branches from the same view will remain unchanged.
We had to make this difficult decision for technical reasons. As our product continues to grow, we always look for opportunities to improve product’s architecture to enhance performance. Sometimes this means trade-offs with changes to the product interface.
Users whose workflows may be impacted by this change can use two alternatives available within Bitbucket Cloud UI:
If Deployments
are configured on the repository: The Deployment
card contains separate tab Merged pull requests
that can be used to see the list of merged pull requests associated with the branch that is being deployed.
The Commit view
page has functionality that allows the user to preview all pull requests associated with a given commit. Using this functionality together with the list of commits from the Branch Compare page, a full list of pull requests associated with all commits between two branches can be constructed.
If neither of these two options is viable users can upvote this public feature request to get this functionality re-implemented in the product.
Katarína Lukácsy