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Announcement: Bitbucket Cloud account password usage for Git over HTTPS and API ending March 1, 2022


Francisco Salinas Saez March 24, 2022

Been days and I still cant make it work properly. Is just another forced change that I didnt need/want/ask on my Atlassian ecosystem. First it was portfolio then Jira, UI back and forth, Service desk, logins and now bitbucket. Sick of it.

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David Hoy
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March 24, 2022

I'm running into an issue with VS Code (with the Atlassian extension installed) and Bitbucket on Ubuntu.  I created an app password, and entering this when prompted allows me to correctly interact with my repo.  But the app password is not persisted, and I have to re-enter it after every restart of VS Code.  Is there a way to avoid having to re-enter the app password so often?

BTW, an Ubuntu-compatible version of SourceTree would be very nice - any such thing on the horizon?


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March 24, 2022

Please fix this garbage bug in the Windows application! I've used Bitbucket for nearly a decade. I am now ready to move elsewhere after this stupidity.

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March 24, 2022

@Flávio Neto Thank you for sharing your solution. I spent a lot of time searching for how to make this "New App Password" work and yours helped. This solution must be highlighted somewhere for people to save their time in future.

I will post it too, if someone sees my comment first. Go to the git bash terminal and paste the following command:

git remote set-url origin https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>

In the PASSWORD field a new App Password created in your bitbucket account should be put. 

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March 28, 2022

I'm not a fan of having to write my passwords down.

Greg White March 30, 2022

Hours wasted because of this - it is the worst SSO system I have ever come across. Broken again today.

Greg White March 30, 2022

This debacle is a text book example of how NOT to manage a change in authentication methods. Scattered information that does not address a fraction of the use cases that people are using to authenticate with bitbucket. Very poor.

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eduard_fekete March 30, 2022

-> whargoul, then use a software like keepass.

Karthick S
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April 1, 2022

Thanks for sharing this!

Adam Hughes April 1, 2022

Does git import tool retain project history?

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Martin Červenka
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April 3, 2022

First, I am sorry for my anger beforehand.

Please DO NOT FORCE people to do this. If someone cares more about its repository security, allow them to do it, but if someone does not care, let them be...

I want to use the git command from the terminal from many places and be able to get there (If I exaggerate, do not bring the password on a piece of paper).

The change is understandable, but ONLY IF it would be optional...

Think about the scenario when you are on work travel without your PC. To push/pull your code, you have to log in via your browser to Bitbucket, create a new APP password (because you cannot remember the previous one), then copy this into your terminal. Just NIGHTMARE.

I would accept the option to change the APP password to whatever I want... It should be "my account, my rules"...

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April 4, 2022

Yet another company imposing their "internal infrastructure" on their users for the sake of usability... What happened to letting your users decide their own security needs? You really think we are incapable of making that decision?

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April 5, 2022

Again loosing time with this...

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April 5, 2022

Well... this sucks!!!

kwakye addo
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April 7, 2022

Thanks, this article solved my problem.

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April 8, 2022



Are there abilities to clone repository, being not its author ?

For example John creates repository, and me - Todd need to clone it. Early i`ve cloned it like this:


git clone

Entered my login and password from BB account (Todd_Acc/Todd_Pass) and everything works.


Now John has to create App Password and clone its repository, and if John wants to clone its repository, he has to clone it thisway:


git clone
Enters generated app password - and everything works as well.


But what should i (Todd) do ? How can i clone that repo from my account ?

beef623 April 8, 2022

@Eugene_IpTelI think the app password is accessing your account, not a specific repository. As long as your account has access to John's repository, it should work the same as it always has, you just have to use your app password credentials instead of your normal account credentials.

Edit: It may need additional permissions when you create the app password, but I'm not sure.

Glenn Fawcett
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April 9, 2022

Half my repos clones are broken and this posting doesn't say how to fix it. I hate you.

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April 12, 2022

Hello, please help a noob!

How to make SourceTree work with app password? I went to authentication tab and entered app password there. It says "Authentication OK", but SourceTree gives the same error saying to use app passwords

remote: Bitbucket Cloud recently stopped supporting account passwords for Git authentication.
remote: See our community post for more details:
remote: App passwords are recommended for most use cases and can be created in your Personal settings:
fatal: Authentication failed for '*******************

OK, solution found! Go to \AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree - delete file passwd, then push/pull/ or fetch, it will ask password. So enter the app password.

This worked for me.

Francisco Salinas Saez April 12, 2022

Steps to fix this problema:

1. login to bitbucket

2. Top right corner click on your profile

3. Go to personal settings

4. Go to app passwords

5. CReate and add everything you  need.

6. Close your atlassian account

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April 13, 2022

So the suggestion by @gamebalance seems to work, I dont understand why this couldn't of been suggested originally by the actual mods and devs, the fact some of us had to run around for a month and a half is ridiculous especially when you warning us about the change 1 day before isnt exactly great (doesnt matter if you warned specific users before, a big change like this should of given constant warnings to every user)

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April 17, 2022

This is one of the most annoying changes you made. I really don't understand your logic on why this change was necessary. Do you want to have this for your internal infrastructure and that's the reason to force everyone to update all their codes bases and servers?

Артем Шевцов
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April 18, 2022

I already had the app password for Sourcetree, but I couldn't log in. The following helped me. I revoked (rejected) the app password in Bitbucket and then created a new one with the same name.

Greg Elofson April 21, 2022

Total fail. Cannot upload local repo to new BB repo. Stalls here: 


gregelofson presafe-build-site (master) >> ls
app node_modules package.json webpack.config.js
gregelofson presafe-build-site (master) >> git remote set-url origin
gregelofson presafe-build-site (master) >> git push -u origin --all
Enumerating objects: 7959, done.
Counting objects: 100% (7959/7959), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (6237/6237), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7959/7959), 20.74 MiB | 536.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 7959 (delta 1463), reused 6932 (delta 1431)


stalls out

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April 22, 2022

I have been trying to solve this problem of connecting from a Mac Client after it stopped connecting to bitbucket from April. 

1. As recommended, I set up an app password in both bitbucket and sourcetree. But when I try to pull command, it asks for password and says it did not match. After trying a few times, I thought let me set up SSL

2. With SSL setup too it does not accept the password in basic mode. 

3. So I change to OAuth (with SSL) and at the source tree account window, the connection to the server goes through. I thought may be the problem finally is solved. However when I try to pull the code from bitbucket repository, I get same old error!

I wonder why these changes are not tested on Mac before effecting the changes. Now I cannot use SourceTree to connect to bitbucket and given the way it is going I do not think Altassian team would be able to fix these issues in near future (Latest SourceTree version is not even certified in Mac, Verify of the App fails. I had to downgrade the Sourcetree to make the OS accept)

If anyone can suggest a better client on mac that works smoothly with bitbucket, I really would be very very thankful.

Here is the error dump if any Altassian team member cares to look:

fatal: Authentication failed for '

remote: Bitbucket Cloud recently stopped supporting account passwords for Git authentication. 

With SSL, sourcetree is giving following error while pulling (if anyone can decode): Permission denied (publickey).

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists. Permission denied (publickey).

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.


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