cannot pass artifact to following step

simon Lemay December 2, 2019

I have been hitting my head against the wall pretty hard on this one, hopefully, its all my fault and I missed something in the documentation somewhere :)


I have the following very simple pipeline


image: golang:1.12

- step:
name: Build and test
- mkdir -pv "${PACKAGE_PATH}"
- tar -cO --exclude-vcs --exclude=bitbucket-pipelines.yml . | tar -xv -C "${PACKAGE_PATH}"
- cd "${PACKAGE_PATH}"
- go get -v
- go build -v
- go test -v
- echo "Packaging app"
- tar cvf app.tar app config.yml
- ls -al
- pwd
- app.tar
- step:
name: Distribution
- pipe: atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file:0.1.2
FILENAME: 'app.tar'


A couple of output from this file:

  • the "ls -al" show that the files needed for the tar command do exist
  • The "ls -al" also show that the tar file was successfully created
  • The pwd command show that I am in the project repo
  • I have tried to put as artifact config.yml; does works
  • I have tried to put the app file as an artifact; does not work
  • the teardown command does show that there is no match for my artifact request


My problem is that I want to pass the app.tar as an artifact to upload it to the bitbucket download section in the following step, but I get the error the file is not found.


I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but any help would be appreciated



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Martin Nicolaides June 10, 2021

Did you figure this issue out?

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