404 Not Found firebasedeploy

Maximos Sapranidis November 5, 2020

I am trying to use firebasedeploy pipe for deployment and I am getting the following error:

Status: Downloaded newer image for bitbucketpipelines/firebase-deploy:0.2.1INFO: Executing the pipe...INFO: Starting deployment of the project to Firebase.Error: HTTP Error: 404, Method not found.


It seems this could be related to the version of the CLI used?

1 answer

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Halyna Berezovska
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 12, 2020

@Maximos Sapranidis in current firebase it is working fine. At some older versions it failed with such error, but for our test cases was working fine.

Anyway now we do not know, how you are using the pipe, please, share your pipeline firebase-deploy pipe part.

The root cause can also be not in CLI only, but in google-cloud-functions configuration or hosting, but to investigate that in more detail, we need to know specific preconditions.


Also, we have released new version 0.7.0 where firebase-toolks cli is updated to 1.14.1. You can try it.


Maximos Sapranidis November 13, 2020

Thank you for the answer @Halyna Berezovska  I am using the following step (sorry for the formatting):

- step:

    name: Deploy DEV

    deployment: staging


        - pipe: atlassian/firebase-deploy:0.2.1





I was only able to find version 0.2.1 please let me know where to find the other versions?
I will also try with 0.7.0 and update the question with the results

Halyna Berezovska
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2020

@Maximos Sapranidis yes, you can find latest version here https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/firebase-deploy/src/0.7.0/pipe.yml .

To use this, just write in pipeline code

- step:
name: Deploy DEV
deployment: staging
- pipe: atlassian/firebase-deploy:0.7.0

Looking forward to getting feedback from you. Thanks!

Maximos Sapranidis November 13, 2020

I am trying to post a reply but for whatever reason, it seems that I cannot.


The above didn't work, now I am seeing an error about firebase-functions missing and suggesting I should do an npm install but I am  doing that already on previous steps

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