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windeployqt executable suddenly couldn't detect os platform and not reproducible outside bamboo jvm

Natasha Moffat September 3, 2017

Getting strange errors using msbuild, consistently on every different bamboo build for every executable project on every single commit this week. I cannot reproduce it and would like help reproducing it.


  • I've ran the same build task on code that was rolled back to successful builds from bamboo, disabling checkout and auto-deleting.
  • I've built the bamboo generated sln, in visual studio
  • I've built the code with cmake --build locally in the same location as the bamboo plan
  • I've built the code with the same msbuild executable locally in the same location as the bamboo plan with the same configs specified in the task
  • I've fiddled with the msbuild configuration in bamboo
  • I got bamboo to ouput the os version from it's jvm to see if it was weirdness with windows/linux

Nothing is running concurently as far as I know so it shouldn't be resource issue. Building c++ x64 vc14 and using cmake

Everything I've done so far has built with no errors.


Some of the bamboo errors including

EXEC : warning : --pdb is not supported on this platform. <youdontnee'dtoknowmyfilestructure>.vcxproj] build 04-Sep-2017 15:42:19 Unable to query qmake: Error creating stdout temporary file
: error MSB3073: <youdon'tneedtoknowmyfilestructure>qt-5.7.0\bin\windeployqt.exe --no-translations --no-compiler-runtime 

 and then because of that, running executables produced by a bamboo build fail because they can't find qt dlls.


Ideas on how to reproduce or why it fails.

1 answer

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Natasha Moffat September 6, 2017

The localSystem account didn't have read/write permissions on c:/windows/temp which is the account that runs the bamboo service. The temp dir was also very full so the executable tried and failed to create tempory files because they were already there.


solution was just to change permissions for localsystem and clear temp dir

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