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using docker-compose in bamboo

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September 17, 2020


I need to run multiple docker containers at the same time and need to mount volumes to one of the containers and docker-compose.yml files are the best way to manage this. However, I am not sure how can I run docker-compose files in Bamboo as its not a capability. I am using Bamboo version 7.

Since docker is a capability I have tried using a docker-compose image in a Docker container in my Bamboo plan. I have two tasks in my Job so first one checks out the source code and the second task runs a shell script containing the command "docker-compose up". When bamboo downloads the docker-compose image and then runs the shell script it keeps running into an error message saying "Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?" 

Does anyone have any idea on how to solve this issue?

1 answer

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Will February 8, 2023

Please make sure your plan agent container has been mount below volume:

Host                             | Container

/var/run/docker.sock   | /var/run/docker.sock

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