installing bamboo using mssql brings this error.

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August 2, 2019

2019-08-03 07:24:18,491 WARN [http-nio-8085-exec-4] [TextProviderHelper] The default value expression 'help.prefix' was evaluated and did not match a property. The literal value 'help.prefix' will be used.
2019-08-03 07:24:18,491 WARN [http-nio-8085-exec-4] [TextProviderHelper] The first TextProvider in the ValueStack (com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.setup.SetupDatabaseConnectionAction) could not locate the message resource with key 'db.mysql'
2019-08-03 07:24:18,491 WARN [http-nio-8085-exec-4] [TextProviderHelper] The default value expression 'db.mysql' was evaluated and did not match a property. The literal value 'db.mysql' will be used.

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 5, 2019

Hi @Wellard

These warning messages are not conclusive by themselves. We will need to check what error messages were logged before them to get better clues on what could be causing this scenario.

I was able to find a similar case in our support channel and it was caused by a SQL Server not being able to accept connections from Bamboo.

Please check what error messages you see right before the warning messages you see. If you can share them here we might be able to give you some directions to move forward.

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