does bamboo provide integration with Airwatch ?

Sushil Nembhani October 31, 2019

Hi All,

We are planning to deploy Android APK file to Airwatch (Work Space 1) console using Bamboo.

Does Bamboo support the integration with VMWare AirWatch ?







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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 1, 2019

Hi @Sushil Nembhani

Bamboo is able to integrate with nearly everything. The actions that are commonly used over the years got tasks designed specifically for them, while everything else needs to be run through a script task.

I don't work with AriWatch to understand which could be the limitations you would face using Bamboo with a script task, but if you can share them I might be able to find out what could be your next steps.

Sujit Kumar November 13, 2019

Hi @Daniel Santos  We have completed CI part using Gradle wrapper, We are currently working on CD part, Can you help us with any documentation or something for CD using bamboo.

Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 20, 2019

Hi @Sujit Kumar

Sorry, your response flew under my radar.

There are multiple ways to implement CD in Bamboo. I think the question is how do you want your CD to work. What tests/validations you need to run before to make sure you can deliver your app/changes to staging or production.

You could use a building plan for that as shown in this old video: Getting Started with Atlassian Bamboo - Continuous Delivery in Action. Or you could use a deployment project for that as well. The deployment could be configured to deploy every successful result that was built on a specified branch.

I think the main question is: How do you want to implement CD in your scenario? Bamboo will be only a tool that will be configured to match the project needs. Can you share what actions Bamboo should do in order to meet your requirements for CD?

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