When will there be an option to disable repository caching?

Ryan Daniels February 17, 2019

The repository caching of Bamboo is a painful feature. We have had to do so many workarounds because of it. You cannot simply run a release job that pushes changes back to the repository. Instead you have to come up with all kinds of "tricks" to get it to work. This is annoying at best. You should not have to do tricks and workarounds to push changes made by the release plan back to the repository. Yes, I know you can add another remote with scripting, but again this is a trick or workaround and should not be required in the first place.

Then, if you don't check the right boxes, Git tags don't make it to remote agents and the wrong version gets build into the software, when your release process depends on tags.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 18, 2019

Bamboo version 6.7 onwards have task to perform Git push.

Bamboo 6.7 release notes

Do you mean that it is not working?

Ryan Daniels February 18, 2019

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the Git push is just a workaround. It is just reifying the other commonly done workarounds for getting around the fact that the repository caches are an obstacle. In our case, as with many people, the project is released by Gradle itself. There is no need for tools external to Gradle for "finishing" the release. The repository cache is preventing a normal Gradle release process from working. If the repository caching can be disabled, then everything will work as it should and there will be no need for all these workarounds.

Ryan Daniels February 18, 2019

I have seen many discussions online from many people expressions their frustration with the repository caching. So, I would like to know when there will be an option to disable it.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 19, 2019

Feature request to disable repository cache in local agent https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BAM-11930

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