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When using Bamboo Specs, can you encrypt your .credentials file?

Jason Templeman June 2, 2020

We have converted over to using Bamboo Specs and have some users complaining that the .credentials file which is needed to run the Java files is in plain text (even though it is only local).

Is there a way to use a more secure method other than a plain text file?

1 answer

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Maik June 2, 2020

Hi Jason,

You could try the UserPasswordCredentials interface:

String bambooUrl = args[0];
UserPasswordCredentials adminUser = new SimpleUserPasswordCredentials(args[1], args[2]);
BambooServer server = new BambooServer(bambooUrl, adminUser);

Just instead of geting the credentials from the args or the .credentials file you could store the credentials in other file or variable (encrypted) and then decrypt the values in java.




Hope it helps :)

Jason Templeman June 2, 2020

Thanks for the response.  It gives me hope that there might be a solution but there are some things I probably should have added but was in a hurry for a response.

I am not a Java developer
Our Java files are direct cut-n-paste from Bamboo (with minor class name edits)
We are currently using version 6.6.3 (in process of upgrading to 7.0.3 on July 10th)
We have hundreds of plans that we run from within IntelliJ (not CLI) so preferable minimal changes to file or ease of passing within the IDE. 
Need something as simple as possible ;)

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