What ports are required to be open on server running remote agent

Josh Moore July 10, 2017

Hi I have Bamboo running with a firewall and I am trying to setup the remote agent that also has a firewall.  I can correctly configure the bamboo server's firewall to allow communication with the remote agent.  However, I am unable to figure out which ports are required to be open on the server running the remote agent.  I have reviewed https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamkb/troubleshooting-remote-agents-216957427.html but it only specifics ports for the server side and says nothing about ports on the remote agent side.  Any ideas?

2 answers

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Justin McCamish July 30, 2020

This is a few years' old but since there isn't an answer, I'll throw my partially-informed perspective in.

As I understand it, the Remote Agent initiates all the connections and the Bamboo server simply responds. The server side never initiates connections with the Remote Agent (Atlassian folks, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Therefore, the Bamboo server host machine needs to be able to receive requests on the ports listed on the that "Troubleshooting Remote Agents" page and the Remote Agent needs to be able to initiate connections on those ports from its host. Network firewalls and host-resident (see below) need to have been configured to allow this.

Where I've had the most problems (and perhaps this is what the OP was encountering) is when the Remote Agent is installed on Windows. The culprit (apart from me occasionally forgetting an installation step) is usually Windows' in-built firewall (AKA Windows Defender Firewall) so always check to see what that's up to because 9/10 times when my Remote Agent on a fresh host is failing to connect to the server, it's the Windows firewall blocking out-bound connections.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2017

You don't need any ports to be open (assuming you're asking about incoming traffic).

Josh Moore July 10, 2017

Yes asking about incoming traffic.  When I have the firewall up the jobs will queue for ever.  But, as soon as I lower the firewall there are no problems and the job completes.  Any ideas?

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