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Update from 6.4.1 to 6.9.1 didn't work, trying to roll back to 6.4.1 but can't get it to work

Matthew Lyons June 14, 2019

We ran the update to upgrade to 6.9.1 but this wouldn't work so attempted to roll back to 6.4.1 and now that's won't work either.

We either get messages of incompatible database or corrupt database.

Is there anyway to access / read the database to allow us to get bamboo up and running again?

Getting support for what seems like a fairly straight forward problem that was cause by an Atlassian update isn't available!

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2019

Hello @Matthew Lyons,

I'm really sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. I'll do what I can to help you move forward.

We don't have a formal process to roll back an upgrade, but you could take the following steps to restore the old instance:

  1.  Make sure there is no Bamboo process running in the server machine.
  2. Restore the Bamboo database as it was prior to the upgrade.
  3. Restore the <Bamboo_Installation> folder.
  4. Restore the <Bamboo_Home> folder.
  5. Start the instance again.

Please let me know if there is any step that you cannot follow so
I can work with you on a different strategy to restore your instance.


Is there any way to access / read the database to allow us to get bamboo up and running again?

To answer this question I need to know what type of database was used. I hope you are using an external one. It will make things easier.
You can find details about the DB type and credentials in this file: <Bamboo_Home>/bamboo.cfg.xml.

Let me know what is the status of this since you asked for help last Friday.

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