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Unable to find executable at python. Will try to run it anyway.

Samuel Chow July 18, 2018

I wrote a inline python script using the script task in bamboo. The job will be run on windows so the script has "#!python" as the first line so windows knows its a python script since there isn't an interpreter option.

The script task executes fine and runs all the inline script but outputs the error "Unable to find executable at python. Will try to run it anyway."

How do I get rid of the error?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 23, 2018

Instead of having only "#!python", set the full path to the python.exe file like the following:

Samuel Chow July 24, 2018

Definitely an option to get rid of the error. I was hoping to get an answer to why Bamboo can't resolve the python via system variables? This case relies on applications having the same install path.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 24, 2018

According to this documentation, this is how shebang works. Bamboo is just running the command in the machine so the error message is thrown by the machine.

As a test, try saving the commands in a file and run the file manually inside the Windows machine through the Command Prompt.

Vineesh July 1, 2019

I have same issue in Mac, added the full python path , '/usr/bin/python' still same issue exists

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