Unable to connect application link between Bamboo & Bitbucket-server running as docker containers

Parth Jeet March 11, 2019

My host is CentOs. I'm running bamboo and BitBucket-server, both as separate docker containers but on same host.

I'm unable to create application link between them.
It says "No response was received from the URL, you entered.

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 12, 2019

Hi @Parth Jeet

I installed both in Docker containers to get a better idea of what could possibly be your problem.

I suppose the problem is that one or both of the containers are not able to resolve the URL of the other.

Do you mind trying this:

  1. Configure both Bamboo and Bitbucket URLs to:
  2. Remove any application links endpoint previously created (on failed state)
  3. Create the application links again

I'm assuming that both containers will be able to reach the Host container which is the case in my docker installation without any extra configuration.

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