Trigger Conditions issue with Plan Keys

Rob Carr September 7, 2011

Hey guys,

I have setup a plan but only want it to run nightly if another plan was successful. In my case, I want the QA plan to run at midnight if the CI plan was last successful. When I edit the plan for QA and select the Source Repository tab, I see an option at the bottom of the page under Trigger Conditions.

Only run Build if other Plans are currently passing

I select the checekbox, and then it asks me to enter 1 or more Plan Keys. I entered the one I specified for my CI plan, and the plan key is "CI". I enter that and save it, but get a message

No plan with key CI exists in Bamboo

It exists. I verified it on the plan page, and I tried another one. It too does not work.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 7, 2011

Hmm, UI for plan defintion is misleading here. Plan keys are always in a format PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY[-JOB_KEY]. The last part is optional. You need to add the project key.

Rob Carr September 7, 2011

Thanks again for your help. That worked.

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