Save an encrypted variable without the using the words: "password", "passphrase", "secret", "sshkey"

Maik April 30, 2020

Hello :), I would like to know if there's a way to store an encrypted global variable in bamboo without using those keywords.

I saw there's a tool called Bamboo Specs encryption. I tried to paste the generated value (example:BAMSCRT@0@0@8fboRi5VzUTdnexYVmtNeg== ) into the variable and then use it in the pipeline. But the problem is that I don't know how to decrypt it yet :(. Is it even possible??


Thanks in advance :)

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Jimmy Seddon
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April 30, 2020

Hi @Maik,

From everything I have seen and done, Bamboo Specs encryption expects one of the keywords: password, secret, etc. to be a part of the variable name in order to know that it should attempt to decrypt the variable.

Sorry I can't offer more positive news for you.


Maik April 30, 2020

:( No worries @Jimmy Seddon . Thanks for your fast response. If there's really no way to achieve this I will accept your answer to end the thread.

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