Remote build agent hangs on startup

David Miller
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August 18, 2020

I am unable to start a remote build agent on a Linux machine. The initial startup goes well but hangs here:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2020/08/18 16:03:59 | 2020-08-18 16:03:59,954 INFO [AgentRunnerThread] [AgentRegistrationBean] Registering agent on the server, 

I'm using Bamboo 6.10.4 build 61009 - 21 Nov 19 and AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.

I've tried running the remote agent on two different Ubuntu 18 machines as well as on a fresh install of Ubuntu 20. They all hang at the same place.

This happens when the agent is run from Docker as well as 'bare-metal', like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64

java -jar -Dbamboo.home=/home/developer/Bamboo ./atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-6.10.4.jar https://porkchop.sandwiches:6443/agentServer

I am able to successfully start remote build agents from any Mac or Windows machine, both from Docker (the exact same image that I tried on the Linux machines) and bare-metal.

This started happening after we moved our Bamboo machine from one data center to another. I have been assured that nothing in the path between my machines and the Bamboo machine has changed.

What am I doing wrong? I don't get how it could work flawlessly with Mac and Windows but not at all with Ubuntu.

And I don't think it has anything to do with not being able to talk to the broker because I can netcat and telnet from the Ubuntu machines to 54663 on the Bamboo server.

2 answers

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Jeyanthan I
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 19, 2020

Hi @David Miller ,

There could be quite a number of underlying root causes. The communication between the remote agent and server is done through two protocols, HTTP and JMS on top of separate unicast TCP connections. This communication is bi-directional, and the remote agent initiates both TCP connections. In other words, initial connections are only sent from agent to server. Responses are sent from server to agent.

HTTP Connection: The agent will usually connect to the server using the same Bamboo Base URL used for general user access.

JMS Connection: This connection will be established to the address configured in Bamboo broker at <Bamboo_Home>/bamboo.cfg.xml file or under Broker configuration in Bamboo administration -> General configuration page.

What do you see in the <BAMBOO_AGENT_HOME>/atlassian-bamboo-agent.log?

With that being said, to troubleshoot, please check if you can connect to these 2 ports 8085 and 54663 by running the below commands from the bamboo agent and review . We need these 2 ports to be open and accessible.

telnet bamboo_baseURL 8085
telnet bamboo_baseURL 54663

Then, check if the broker configuration is set right on the server side. Any changes on the above requires a Bamboo and agent restart.

Hope that helps.


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Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Atlassian Partner
August 18, 2020

Hi @David Miller ,

Assuming that bamboo server is running on port 8085, check the connection from agent to bamboo server on port 8085.

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