Remote agent DNS connection issue

January 23, 2012

Hi All,

I am having an issue with getting a remote bamboo agent to connect to the main server due to a dns resolving issue.

The wrapper has the following config:

But looking at the log file it fails because:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/01/24 00:49:07 | 2012-01-24 00:49:07,539 ERROR [ActiveMQ Task] [FailoverTransport] Failed to connect to transport after: 10 attempt(s) 
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/01/24 00:49:07 | 2012-01-24 00:49:07,539 WARN [Thread-1] [BambooJmsProxyFactoryBean] Exception when running afterPropertiesSet
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/01/24 00:49:07 | javax.jms.JMSException:

The problem here is that does not resolve, only THRALL or

I am not sure where it is getting the first resolution from.

I have tried setting some properties in bamboo-agent.cfg.xml to force the name

<property name="">failover:(tcp://</property> 
<property name="">tcp://</property>

but the log still shows it using tcp:// for some reason:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/01/24 00:44:52 | 2012-01-24 00:44:51,990 INFO [Thread-1] [BambooActiveMQConnectionFactory] Setting broker URL to 'failover:(tcp://' 
INFO | jvm 1 | 2012/01/24 00:44:52 | 2012-01-24 00:44:52,178 INFO [Thread-1] [Bamboo
ActiveMQConnectionFactory] Setting broker URL to 'failover:(tcp://'

I've set the DNS resolution options in the windows TCP/IP settings, and looked at this page which outlines the problem:

Following it's suggestion (both links goto the same page) i updated the general page config to use the fully qualified domain but it still doesn't work.

Any ideas?

(Sorry about the formatting, it seems to have removed all the new line characters)

2 answers

1 accepted

3 votes
Answer accepted
Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 23, 2012

The value is taken from bamboo.cfg.xml file on the server. Can you change the there?

January 23, 2012

Wow, Thanks. I had no idea that setting was on the main server. I wonder why it would have automatically set it to that? During the install?

No matter, with '' and '' set correctly it works fine.

(I did not set, does that matter?)

Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 23, 2012

Yeah, during the install it tries to autodetect the uris.

I think there's a fallback to broker uri if the client uri is not set.

0 votes
Mark McD
December 5, 2012

As a bonus comment - I had a similar issue on our Bamboo server where we used the hostname in the server's bamboo.cfg.xml file but the server could not resolve it, so didn't bind to any IP. Adding an entry to the hosts file so it resolved fixed the problem (I'm sure DNS would have worked too).

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