I have seen this question asked before, but without any feedback that I found useful, and most of the posts are 3+ years old.
I have a plan that uses two git repositories. The default plan configuration allows me to define which branch to use for each repository. However when I create a new plan branch, I do not have this option. The plan branch details show that the first repository is indeed using the defined alternate branch, but I need to configure the other repository to use a branch of the same name.
The Plan Branch Configuration -> Repositories tab suggests that this should be possible - it displays "Any of the master plan's repositories can be reconfigured to point to different branch. Click on the repository name to configure it." But the option to override the branch isn't available when "Change Repository Settings" is enabled.
I've tried creating a plan with both shared and non-shared repositories with the same results.
Does anyone know if this is possible? And/or have advice on how to resolve the issue. I'm running Bamboo version 7.2.1 build 70207.