Power Shell script

Deepak Kumar April 20, 2020

Hello there, i am trying to write a powershell script which allows me to deploy my build .Net project into nexus oss repository manager. I have done it with pom,xml, maven build. I require help with scripting. 

So far i only have these script with me. Where do i begin? Need advice, thanks. 

if ((Test-Path -Path ${bamboo.build.working.directory}\uploadcheck.ps1) -ne "False") {

echo "script not found"

throw -1


. "${bamboo.build.working.directory}\uploadcheck.ps1"

uploadart "${bamboo.ship.buildmaster.username}" "${bamboo.ship.buildmaster.password}"
"${bamboo.build.working.directory}\${bamboo.app.name.01}\" "WebApplicationMVC.zip" "${bamboo.nexus.artifactrepository.url}/${bamboo.nexus.artifactrepository.id}/${bamboo.nexus.artifactrepository.groupid}/${bamboo.app.name.01}/${bamboo.version}/WebApplicationMVC.zip"

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