Nant succeeds but fails the task because of -1 error code

Benjamin Corliss June 30, 2011

I'm a bamboo noob (currently doing evaluation). I'm trying to run a working very simple NAnt build. In the log, it looks like it completes, but it fails with this message:

30-Jun-2011 11:54:31 Failing task since return code was -1 while expected 0
I don't see any output from the Nant task itself.  The Nant build file does execute in the command line just fine.

3 answers

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James Dumay
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2011

Can you file a support request with us at This sounds potentially like a bug.

0 votes
Benjamin Corliss June 30, 2011

I get 0 from the command line. Hmmm. I also get the same result from bamboo when running msbuild on the same sln. Msbuild works from the command line with return code of 0 as well.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 30, 2011

Are you able to check what is the result code when you run it from the command line?

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