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Jira- Bamboo integration for selenium, update jira comments

Venkatesh R April 17, 2018

We have a requirement to update the Jira comments with the selenium test results.

Is there any specific plugin for this ?


Probable approach:

Using Jira Rest Api:


  1. Try to pass the JIRA ticket details as a parameter during the Build
  2. Have a shell script to connect to Jira, this will be one of the Task, during the build process.
  3. Pass the JIRA ID manually for testing script initially, The RM parameter been passed needs to update the ticket.
  4. Going forward we need to check if this can be automated, Jira created triggering the Bamboo builds.


  1. But to achieve this as part of CICD, what needs to be done ?
  2. From Bamboo how can we pass the JIRA ID. Usually we can't pass the ID/ user updated field in Bamboo.


any suggestion will be appreciated 




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Bill Carreon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 3, 2018

Hi Venkatesh,

The process you’ve described sounds very close to achieving your goal. Though I’d make the following changes:

Pass JIRA ticket details to Bamboo as Bamboo variables.

  • This step would need to be manual to correlate Bamboo builds with the correct Jira issue.
  • Have a Bamboo execute a command task to push the desired test results to the Jira issue
  • I have not been able to confirm that the results could be added to the comments section, though a custom field may suffice.

Associating Jira ID will likely be the only step of the process that cannot be automated, but the other steps should fit nicely into the CICD process.



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