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  • Is there a way to get the revision number of the previous successful build? bamboo.planRepository.previousRevision gives me the revision for the previous bamboo build even if that build failed

Is there a way to get the revision number of the previous successful build? bamboo.planRepository.previousRevision gives me the revision for the previous bamboo build even if that build failed

Jon Ringle August 12, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Bamboo variables

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2 answers

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Jon Ringle August 12, 2016

If there is no bamboo variable that holds the revision number of the previous successful build, then is there a way (from bash script) to write to an environment variable that gets stored within bamboo where my build script could write the current revision number when the build script determines that the build was successful? This environment variable would need to be made available for a future bamboo build so that the build script could use the content of that environment variable as the "previous successful revision"

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Jon Ringle August 12, 2016

Being able to determine what the revision number of the previous successful bamboo build is key to being able to produce a report of what changed between the previous successful build that testers were using and the new build being produced

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