Is the REST API endpoint /plan/{projectKey}-{buildKey}/variables [POST] buged?

Jonathan Ghellere June 29, 2022

Hello Community,

I'm trying to create a variable in a plan using the REST API and cURL. 

The following command works fine:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXX'  https://localhost:8443/rest/api/latest/plan/AAAA-BBB/variables.json


But when I try to send a POST request to add a new variable, I get the following message:

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXX' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/rest/api/latest/plan/AAAA-BBB/variables -d '{"name":"ccc","value":"ddd"}'

"You must enter a valid variable name"

Is this a BUG?

1 answer

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sunil jaiswal September 19, 2023

I think it was a kind of bug they fixed it.

You can see this

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