Import of yaml is failing

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January 6, 2025

Hello, we are using 

Atlassian Bamboo version 9.4.1 build 90412

When validating or importing bamboo.yml we get this error message 

The YAML configuration is invalid

There's something wrong with the YAML configuration. Fix the errors and try again.
Invalid format of the YAML file: Can't construct a java object for !include; exception=Invalid tag: !include in 'reader', line 2, column 1: !include "CI-installer.yml" ^

bamboo.yml has this structure

!include "CI-installer.yml"
!include "release-installer.yml"
!include "deployment.yml" 


It was working before, can you tell me what I should do, to make it work again? 

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Shashank Kumar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 7, 2025

Hello vitulka,

Welcome to Atlassian community

YAML Validator does not support !include tag, there is a bug raised to fix this refer BAM-25706 YAML Validator does not support the !include tag to fix this

You have mentioned that while importing too this error is seen. You have also mentioned this was working before, can you check what are the changes which have been done which could affect this.

I would also suggest you to remove each !include from bamboo.yml file so import, this will give you a idea about which .yml file is wrong. 


Shashank Kumar

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