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How to trigger a Deploy plan from a rc branch

Deleted user July 3, 2018

So, I've got the build plan, which follows the `master` branch. I've configured the plan to create a new plan branch When new branch in repository is created and matches expression(rc-).*

This corresponds to a release candidate branch, eg. rc-1.2.3

Now, the problem is that when I want to create a Deploy plan, I cannot set it to trigger upon a branch that matches a certain expression:

Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 10.13.36.png

So, if I want to deploy a release candidate version to an isolated testing environment... I can't! At least not automatically...

Soo... what are my options here?!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2018

Feature request

Use Script task to trigger deployment through this REST API 

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