How to queue deployment jobs for multiple environments at once

Vincent Deschenes September 19, 2018


Our application is single tenant. This lead to many application server instances as every client has its own.

We have one bamboo "Environment" per application server instance.

These are regrouped under "Deployment projects".

How can we ask Bamboo to deploy a given release to all the environments of a "Deployment Project" without having to click each of them one by one ?

I am not asking how to run multiple jobs in parallel, I know the answer is more agents.

What I want is to "queue" all the jobs with one click.

I was looking for a deploy button at the deployment project level but can not find it.


Thanks !

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Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 20, 2018

You can workaround this problem using "After successful deployment" trigger:

- create a dummy environment, named for example 'All servers', make it do nothing  (for instance single script task with nothing but 'exit 0' in it)

- add After successful deployment trigger to all other environments and point to 'All servers' environment

Now whenever you deploy 'All servers', all the other environments will be triggered.


BTW: if you manage a big number of deployment environments perhaps you should consider using Bamboo Specs.

Vincent Deschenes September 20, 2018

Thanks, I did not knew about Bamboo Specs.

A limitation of the trigger solution is that it does not allow to select the release, it will create a release from the last built.

But this could work in most cases.



Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 20, 2018

>A limitation of the trigger solution is that it does not allow to select the release, it will create a release from the last built.

Actually, no, in case of this trigger, he same release that was deployed to 'parent' env is deployed to 'child' env. So you would create release once, when deploying the dummy environment and the it should propagate to all envs.

Vincent Deschenes September 20, 2018

OK thanks,


it is this text in the trigger form which confused me:


Set triggers to specify how and when the deployment will be triggered automatically. When a deployment is automatically triggered, a new release is created from the latest successful build result of the linked plan. 

Jaya kumar June 14, 2019

@Marcin Gardias  So this setup will run environment parallel or sequentially ?

Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2019

Depends on number of available agents, but, in principle, it will be parallel.

Jaya kumar June 17, 2019

@Marcin Gardias  Is there possible to run sequentially? If so, please share the details.

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