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How to add version numbers to all Jira issues in a release?

July 11, 2019

I have Jira, Bitbucket Server, and Bamboo.

When I make a release, I would like automatically to stamp the release number as the Fix Version for all Jira issues detected in the release.

I found REST API endpoints for Jira that seems to be appropriate:

POST: /rest/api/2/version (to create a version)
PUT: /rest/api/2/issue/ISSUE-1 (to update the issue with new fixVersion)

But I can't find any REST API that gets a list of Jira issues related to a release. 

I am flexible; we can work with the issues related to a given commit when Bamboo does the build, or we can look at the issues included when Bamboo makes a new release (i.e. since the last release). Either way will work for me.

What's the API to use?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 11, 2019

Hi @shaulbehr 

Firstly, this is the server API documentation which will become your friend if you're doing any API work.

/rest/api/2/search is probably the most flexible call for you to use, because you append ?jql= and then use any JQL you like. It could be sprint= or fixVersion= or created>"" - it's up to you to build a JQL which returns all items you're expecting.

July 11, 2019

Hi Warren, thanks for the reference!

I took a look at the search fields available, and there doesn't seem to be anything relating to either Git commits or Bamboo releases. I tried doing a search on the Jira website itself, and can't find anything relevant to search on. Did I miss something?

Anyway, I don't think the endpoint I want is going to be in the Jira API; it's more likely to be in Bitbucket or Bamboo. That's because my starting point is either a commit number (Bitbucket) or a release number (Bamboo), from which I want to retrieve the related Jira issues. I know it must be possible, because Bitbucket and Bamboo themselves show you very helpfully which Jira issues are linked to pull requests or new releases. I just need to find out what APIs they are using there.

Any ideas?

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 11, 2019

Hi @shaulbehr 

This is the Bitbucket server API and this is (I think) the cloud version. I have used both to get me successfully using the Bitbucket API.

July 11, 2019

So I found this API being called in Bitbucket:


That's the kind of endpoint I'm looking for, though it's not exactly right, because this gives the issues per pull request, whereas I want the issues per commit. This also must exist, because I can see it on the "commit" screen, as highlighted below:

2019-07-11 13_48_04-LightSail _ API _ bfaf95ed9e0 - Bitbucket.png

I looked in the developer tools and couldn't find the call that returns the issue numbers related to the commit, though.

What is the call?

July 11, 2019

Got it! It's this one:


At the bottom of the response is:

"properties": {
"jira-key": [

Thanks for your help!

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