How do i build .Net project using MsBuild and Visual Studio in Bamboo

Yogesh Mude April 4, 2017

trying to build .Netr project in bamboo using MSBuild and Visual Studio task but there i find Optios within the task, what options i need to provide to build and deploy on IIS server  

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Krystian Brazulewicz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 4, 2017

Is it possible to see your existing commandline to build the project? Then we could try to advise.

Yogesh Mude April 4, 2017

yup....! Krystian ..sure.

First thing this is simple .net project. and i need to build this project using bamboo and deploy on IIS server.

I have configured task as 1] sourcecode checkout, and for building 2]visual studio.

attaching the image file for the same.


Yogesh Mude April 14, 2017

Hi @Krystian Brazulewicz,

any advise afrom you.

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