How do I run a build inside a docker

rory_toma April 1, 2020

We're evaluating bamboo. I've set up a server with one remote agent with docker capability.

I've set up a job to use the remote agent with "Run a Docker container".

It simply does no more then "/usr/bin/uname -n"


WHen I run the job, it fails with the below. I can cut as paste the exact docker run command and run it as my bamboo user just fine. Support asked my why I was trying to do docker in docker... I'm not unless the default instructions use docker in docker...

command	01-Apr-2020 14:39:22	Beginning to execute external process for build 'test-openvpn - build - Default Job #17 (VPN-BUIL-JOB1-17)'\n ... running command line: \n/tmp/ /usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/VPN-BUIL-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm utopia:5000/build-centos76-root /usr/bin/uname -n\n ... in: /tmp\n
error	01-Apr-2020 14:39:23	/tmp/ line 4: /usr/bin/docker: No such file or directory


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rory_toma April 1, 2020

OK, made progress here. There are two docker setting which do two different things. Only use one of them.

rory_toma April 1, 2020

There is one in the build step. This is not the one you want to use. You want to use the one under the "Docker" tab instead.

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