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How can I build an Android project?

Deleted user January 25, 2019

Hi all,

I am beginner on Bamboo and I have to get some information about build scripts and task for an Android and iOS project. The steps that I did till now are:

1. Sign up a Bitbucket account and push my project there.

2. Install Bamboo on my own server (Windows).

3. Sign up a Bamboo account and define my Bitbucket reposirory to Bamboo server

4. Run default plan and task (source code checkout) under default job get success result. Also I can see differences of code when I push new codes from android studio to repository and default task automatically starts.


So, the question is, how can I build and see results on Bamboo server?

Which tasks should I create, which scripts should I run? How can I get information about some tasks on task list while creating new task? (For ex. what does inject bamboo variables task?)



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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 29, 2019

Hi @[deleted],

I'm afraid this is not the right channel to give you the best practice on building Android projects, but if you know how you want to build it we can help you to run those steps within Bamboo.

We have an old article that suggests a simple build sequence to do what you need. 

The article suggests using ANT, but you can also use other build tools of your preference. 

In Atlassian support, I've seen multiple uses adopting Gradle. I think the following article might be of your interest since it discusses some of the build options you can use.

I hope that helps.

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