Gulp output file destination

Clifford Lum
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May 5, 2015


I have a gulp script to validate, concatenate, and minimize source files.  When I run this script locally, everything works fine and I see the output files in my Packaged directory I specified in the script.

I then add this project to Bamboo and using the NodeJS/Gulp plugin have a plan that calls my gulpfile.  But in the resulting war file I do not see anything in the Packaged directory.

Any ideas of why this is occurring?  

Thank you!

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Marcin Oles
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 6, 2015

Hi @Clifford Lum,

without knowing your Gulp task configuration or without analyzing Bamboo server/agent logs, it's hard to tell what went wrong here.

Could you post us your Gulp task configuration? A screenshot or a list of all the configuration values would be great. Please also give us the 'Advanced' section config.

Also, if I understand correctly, you use some other tasks to package the result into a WAR file. I'd recommend running the Gulp task in isolation to see where the problem is.

  1. Try executing the Bamboo "Gulp" task as the last task (after dependencies are resolved and all code is built, but without any packaging)
  2. Try to generate Bamboo artifacts from the 'Packaged' directory and see if there is any output (see
    • create artifact definition
    • run the plan
    • go to build result page, then visit "Artifacts" tab
    • analyze the content of the artifact
  3. If the artifact has no content (so no files were generated), try executing this Gulp via the Bamboo "Script task".
    • write a simple shell script which will execute the command
    • see if this time the artifacts were generated

If the artifacts were not generated by both "Gulp task" and "Script task", then the problem might not be related to Bamboo Node.js Plugin but something else. Please give us the result of this test, so it'll be easier to help.

Also, please note that "Bamboo Node.js Plugin" is a supported plugin, so you can open an Atlassian support ticket with your problem:


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