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Getting http-nio log message for a specific user only

Josel Joaquin
I'm New Here
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January 22, 2019

We're getting a bunch of these log messages from a single user only, what does it mean? Checking the plan it doesn't seem to be building but it always recur in the logs

[http-nio-8085-exec-33] [AccessLogFilter] user1 GET https://localhost/rest/api/latest/plan/favicon/QEBSD-BEBPC?_=1547778515492 204570kb
2019-01-19 12:27:42,758 INFO [http-nio-8085-exec-15] [AccessLogFilter] user1 GET https://localhost/chain/admin/ajax/getChains.action?planKey=QEBSD-BEBPC&_=1547778515493 202019kb
2019-01-19 12:27:54,755 INFO [http-nio-8085-exec-27] [AccessLogFilter] user1 GET https://localhost/rest/api/latest/plan/favicon/QEBSD-BEBPC?_=1547778515495 183368kb
2019-01-19 12:27:58,754 INFO [http-nio-8085-exec-55] [AccessLogFilter] user1 GET https://localhost/chain/admin/ajax/getChains.action?planKey=QEBSD-BEBPC&_=1547778515496 180942kb

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2019

Hi @Josel Joaquin,

Those messages just mean that the user browser is constantly checking the Bamboo server for build status of the plan QEBSD-BEBPC. It means the user has browser tab with some page from plan QEBSD-BEBPC open for a while. There is nothing alarming there.

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