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Failed deploy as artifact isn't generated in a build plan

Mehul Ved April 20, 2015

I have a build plan in which different jobs are configured to build components of our application. Each job generates an artifact. My deployment plan has a task to download all artifacts from the build plan. This works fine in general use.

But, I came across a case where one component had no new updates and thus no new artifact was generated and the build plan succeeded, triggering the deployment plan. But, the deployment plan fails as there is no generated artifact. I couldn't find a way to make deployment plan not fail in such a scenario. Other option is to find a way to modify the job in the build plan to always generate an artifact, even if there's no update.

My build job looks like this

  • Source Code Checkout
  • npm command
  • Script to create artifacts directory
  • Command(tar) to generate artifacts file

My Deployment Tasks are

  • Artifacts Download (All artifacts)
  • SCP
  • Run configuration script

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Atlassian Team
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April 20, 2015

Hello Mehul,

Thank you for your question.

I would suggest you on instead of running the following task:

  • Command(tar) to generate artifacts file

why don't you use Sharing artifacts so when a build is triggered, artifact(s) associated with that build will be generated and later consumed by your "My Deployment Tasks".

In Cloud, Bamboo keeps the last artifact generated by a build but not by a deployment.

If you find this answer useful, I would kindly ask you to accept it so the same will be visible to others who might be facing the same issue you have inquired.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,
Rafael P. Sperafico
Atlassian Support


Mehul Ved April 20, 2015

Rafeal, I have artifacts sharing enabled. It wouldn't even work without generating the tar file as the builds are just a directory with lots of files, they are node.js projects. While reading up on various answers here I came across a suggestion to zip the files and went ahead with tar. But, that isn't really the issue. Issue is, when there are no updates to the project, nothing is built and thus deployment task doesn't find the artifact for that component.

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