Elastic Agent - EC2 user data vs Instance Startup Script

Sam Chang
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April 14, 2013


With the stock image with custom EBS / custom Image:

# Do either/both have the option to set the ec2 user data?
# What is the Instance startup script (under managing elastic images in Bamboo), when and how is it used by bamboo/agent?


[Edit - 15/04/2013]
I have googled / checked Atlassian documentation. I did not see the "Instance startup script" referenced anywhere on https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BAMBOO/Managing+your+elastic+image+configurations, even the screenshot on the same doc (https://confluence.atlassian.com/download/attachments/289277147/manage-elastic.png).

I only found the "Instance startup script" field in Bamboo 4.2 on the Edit image configurations page.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 14, 2013

# Do either/both have the option to set the ec2 user data?

I don't understand that question. Bamboo Server always sets EC2 user data. Do you mean you'd like to set it to some specific value?

# What is the Instance startup script (under managing elastic images in Bamboo), when and how is it used by bamboo/agent?

It's run during instance startup as the root user. This happens before the agent is started.

Sam Chang
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 15, 2013

Yes, can we set the ec2-user data ourselves as our AMI image takes cloud init script to set up a few things to establish itself in our VPC. I wanted to just confirm whether it was possible to see what options we have. Using the instance startup script should suffice but just wanted to avoid maintaining another version of the same function.


Steve Muskiewicz
July 11, 2013

It would be nice if the Bamboo documentation could be updated to reflect this info.

Swatantra Yadav January 26, 2015

On my custom Windows ami, can I specify a PowerShell script as the instance startup script?

Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 26, 2015

No, Windows does not support startup scripts atm.

Swatantra Yadav January 26, 2015

On windows, how can I connect to a running Bamboo instance? In AWS instance when I do Get Password I get a message: "This instance was launched from a custom AMI, or the default password has changed. A password cannot be retrieved for this instance."

Swatantra Yadav January 26, 2015

I was hoping to use the "Instance Startup Script" to set the administrator password. Is this not possible on Windows?

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