I have a bamboo plan set up through CLI (using Bamboo 6.9.2 build 60911) with Force stop build checbox as checked (by default).
Few of the builds have tasks which do not report back for more than 3 hrs. The Bamboo admin has configured bamboo such that Bamboo detect hung build after 2 hrs of task inactivity
I want to make Plan Configuration > Other > Force stop build as unchecked for plans created through CLI. What is the command to do it ? Can you please guide.
--action createPlan --plan "1" --replace --projectName "PR1"
--action addStage --plan @plan@ --stage "EXECUTE"
--action addJob --plan @plan@ --stage @[deleted]@ --job "1"
--action addTask --plan @plan@ --job @Job@ --taskKey "CHECKOUT" --description "Smoke" --field1 "repository" --value1 ""
--action addTask --plan @plan@ --job @Job@ --taskKey "SCRIPT" --description "clean up" --field2 "script" --fields --action addRepository --plan @plan@ --name "PROJPLAN" --branch "develop"
--action addBranch --plan @plan@ --branch "develop" --enable --name "1111"