Can I use 'Artifact Download' task to get artifacts from a branch (and not the trunk)?

Marc Paradis
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June 18, 2015

I am using the predefined task Artifact Download to get some artifact from a different plan. 

However, in the dropdown menu of the task, I do not see the branches. I can only choose artifact from the trunk.

Is there a way to specifically get the artifact from a branch?


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Peter Lypkie July 30, 2015

I too am searching for the answer to this problem. It fails for me when I try, and when I look at the logs, it appears that the branches are set up as a different plan name, but there's no way to choose that plan name to take them from.

Let me know if you've found an answer, otherwise the entire feature of branch plans becomes basically useless if I can't select the artifacts produced in them.

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