Can I tell Bamboo to accept a different return code from a command as a pass?

Jay Barra
Rising Star
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June 13, 2012

I am trying to run a zip command to package up some artifacts as part of a stage and the tool run from CMD returns 1. Bamboo marks the job as failed because it says it was expecting 0 but valid return codes from the zip tool are 1 for success and negative for failures.

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Patrick Aikens June 13, 2012

I'm not sure you can configure Bamboo that way, but what you COULD do is wrap the invocation of that tool in a script (shell, batch file, etc. depending on your OS) and have the script exit with 0 if the tool exits with 1 (and simply exit with the same exit code as the tool otherwise). Have your build execute that script rather than the tool directly. It's a little bit of work (and I DO think Bamboo should let you define what "Success" and "Failure" exit codes are - I have a couple of problem tools that I've had to do this for myself), but it will get around this problem.

Jay Barra
Rising Star
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June 13, 2012

That seems to work, calling 'dir' or 'echo' after the command I want feels a bit silly, but the build passes now.

Patrick Aikens June 15, 2012

'exit /b 0' should work too

something like (warning: untested from the top of my head)

REM Do ZIP command
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 16, 2013

Patrick's example above shows the link where you can see a more elaborate example of converting multiple return codes but above it looks like part of the code and so I missed it the first time through. Also see has the myriad of exit codes for Robocopy sorted out into success and failure return codes.

1 vote
StevenHawkins September 17, 2015

Just started using Bamboo and this is already causing me headaches, so I've raise the following JIRA issue : -

0 votes
Kenneth Dickie June 29, 2015

For some reason it wasn't good enough to just "exit /b/ 0". It would still flag the step failed. So I had to actually set the %errorlevel% = 0.

"C:\Program Files\PSTools\psexec.exe" \\servername -s -i -d -accepteula C:\path\to\app.exe
if %errorlevel% GTR 2000 (
ECHO Process started successfully on PID: %errorlevel%
SET %errorlevel% = 0
exit /b %errorlevel%
Stefan Wendelmann
April 16, 2019


SET %errorlevel% = 0





To get this solution to work :) 

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 16, 2013

I agree with Patrick Aikens' answer and just wanted to add another example that I've used extensively. See the robocopy return code problem here: There is an elaborate example of exit codes (codes 0-7 are good copies but different variations, Codes 8-16 include failures). And how to convert them to 0 for a valid (successful) return code 0.

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