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Bulk edit of a deployment task?

burt repine August 7, 2023

We have hundreds and hundreds of deployment plans that contain a task that uses a now defunct 'linked repository'.

We would like to have the tasks updated to use the new repository but were hoping for a non-manual way of doing it?

Thanks for the help.

2 answers

1 vote
Anik Sengupta
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 10, 2023

Hi Burt,

Thanks for your question.

May be you can try the workaround mentioned in the BAM -

This can be done using a database update:

1. Stop Bamboo
2. Back up your Bamboo database for restore/recovery purposes
3. Run the following update query, replacing <old-url> and <new-url> as needed:

update VCS_LOCATION as V

set xml_definition_data = replace(xml_definition_data,'<old-url>','<new-url>');

MSSQL Server: 

update VCS_LOCATION  set XML_DEFINITION_DATA = replace( cast( XML_DEFINITION_DATA as nvarchar(max) ),'<old-url>','<new-url>');

 Note: If you are using a port other than 22, you will also need to amend the port number to the new URL or configure port forwarding from the default port (22) as explained in this KB article.

4. Start Bamboo

Anik Sengupta
**please don't forget to Accept the answer if your query was answered**

0 votes
Anne Li
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 23, 2023

Hi Annie,

We did as you suggested, it worked. but one thing is bothering: after the replacement, the repository loading is extremely slow, more than 1 min, all other repos are normal, just this updated one. from both deploy plan or linked repository page.

any suggestions?

thank you!



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