Bamboo specific contexts for web-resources

Nikita Bedmutha August 13, 2018


I need to use the jquery and chart.js as well as my custom js and css files on the View Report tab that is added in the Job specific result of my plugin. When using atl.general , it causes some jquery conflicts with the one that bamboo uses already.  Hence currently not using any context and just use the webResourceManager.requireResource() to load particular resources.

When I switch to  my custom Reports tab (besides Artifacts,Logs, Metadata) from Default Job results page; webResourceManager.requireResource() does not statically loads the required js/css. Need to expliciltly do Ctrl+Shft+R or reload to see the graphs and my custom report. So thought of using some other context. So what are different contexts that bamboo supports? 

How can I fix this issue?

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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February 10, 2019



I hope the latest version 6.8.0 will easier customize it



Gonchik Tsymzhitov

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