Bamboo service does not start (error code 1)

Benoit Lavallee September 28, 2017

Our Bamboo installation has been running fine for 6 months and today it just stopped working for no apparent reason. We have not made any changes recently. When we try to start the Bamboo service, it refuses to start and returns the following message "Windows could not start the Atlassian Bamboo Bamboo on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 1". The Windows Event log message is "The Atlassian Bamboo Bamboo service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function."

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Atlassian Team
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September 28, 2017

Hi Benoit,

  • What do the Bamboo logs show happened before this occurred?
  • What do the Windows logs show you around the time this first occurred?

At this point I would remove the service and re-create it using the instructions in Running Bamboo as a Windows Service: 

Be sure to note:


  • If you run Bamboo as a Windows service, make sure that the user has 'Full Control' access to the following directories:
    • In version 5.1 or later:
      • <Bamboo_install_directory>/temp
    • In version 5.15 or later:
      • <Bamboo_install_directory>/temp
      • <Bamboo_home_directory>/xml-data/configuration/cipher

To re-reate the Service:

  1. Click on the Start menu in Windows,
  2. Select Bamboo from the programs list,
  3. Click on Install Service option to install Bamboo as a service in Windows.
  4. Click Start Service to start the service.


Let me know if that works.



Benoit Lavallee September 28, 2017

Thank you Branden,

I think we had a power outage in our lab last night. Could this have caused Bamboo to be corrupted? I will try to re-install the service.

Benoit Lavallee November 8, 2017

Hi Branden,

By the way, re-installing the service has not fixed my problem that time, so I ended up reloading a previous image of that PC. Last night the same PC got corrupted again with the same error. Is that a known recurring problem? Has it been fixed in more recent Bamboo versions? It is obviously not a viable solution for us to reload an image of our build server every time it corrupts itself. Are there some configurations we should check to make sure it doesn't get corrupted? If Bamboo keeps on corrupting itself, we may have to look at other solutions. Thanks.

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