This is what I did:
- Created manually a Deployment project linked to a repository
- Created manually an environment, called "lower", with task script as "hello world"
- Generated the Deployment Specs using the View project as Java Specs option
- Modify the "hello world" to "hello world1" in the linked repo
- Uploaded it to the linked repository, I can see the enviroment task script changed. So far so good.
- Then in Java Spec, I modified the code for "lower"'s script to do "hello world 2l", add added a new enviroment in spec, with exactly samething but do script "hello world 2u" (screen shot attached)
Wierd thing happens on bamboo deployment after code pushed. For "lower" environment, the script changed from "hello world1" to "hello world 2l" as expected, but the new envirnoment "upper", is not creatted. (screen shot attached)
Not sure what is going on, any helps please.