Can you please let me know what needs to be fixed? I get 500 error.
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Build Deployment of 'develop-17' on 'TST - Program' is being prepared for building on agent Agent06, bamboo version: 9.2.18
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Remote Agent
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Build working directory is C:\bamboo-agent-home\xml-data\build-dir\243466252-242876488
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Executing build Deployment of 'develop-17' on 'TST - Program'
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Starting task 'Clean working directory task' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask'
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Cleaning working directory 'C:\bamboo-agent-home\xml-data\build-dir\243466252-242876488'
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Finished task 'Clean working directory task' with result: Success
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Starting task 'Download release contents' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask'
12-Dec-2024 11:58:10 Preparing to download plan result Program-Program45-17 artifact: Required shared artifact Http Compression On : [[Release] Package], patterns: [] anchored at: [Source/Program/bin/Release]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected HTTP status code: HTTP/1.1 500
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Unable to download artifact Required shared artifact Http Compression On : [[Release] Package], patterns: [] anchored at: [Source/Program/bin/Release]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 This deployment task inherits artifact handler configuration from the source plan.
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 The plan is using global artifact handlers configuration.
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 The following handlers are enabled for transferring shared artifacts:
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 custom.artifactHandlers.comAtlassianBambooPluginArtifactHandlerRemote:BambooRemoteArtifactHandler
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 custom.artifactHandlers.comAtlassianBambooPluginArtifactHandlerLocal:ServerLocalArtifactHandler
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Task configuration: 12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 artifactId_0 -> [-1] 12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 sourcePlanKey -> [Program-Program]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 localPath_0 -> [] 12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Task runtime configuration:
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 securityToken -> [obfuscated]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 resultKey -> [Program-Program45-17]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 sourcePlanOrBranchKey -> [Program-Program]
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Finished task 'Download release contents' with result: Error
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Finalising the build...
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Stopping timer.
12-Dec-2024 11:58:41 Build 243466252-242876488-351208768 completed.
12-Dec-2024 11:58:42 Finished processing deployment result Deployment of 'develop-17' on 'TST - Program'