Bamboo: copying and modifying email template file does not take effect

Rafael Campana July 16, 2012


We're running Bamboo 4.1.1 build 3102.
I've followed what's in the online docs "Modifying notification templates", by copying either only the one file I'm interested in or all the files from:

C:\Program Files\Bamboo\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\notification-templates\



Specifically modified the file BuildCompletedHtmlEmail.ftl with text that I know it will show up, but it does not work. In my case, the build is successful, and it sends HTML email that contains specifically the following for example: "1234 tests in total." So I added "SSSSS" to the end of the string in line 17 of BuildCompletedHtmlEmail.ftl:

<strong>${testSummary.successfulTestCaseCount}</strong> tests in totalSSSSS.

but no matter what when the new email comes in, it still says "1234 tests in total."

I did verify that the bamboo home directory is set to C:\bamboo-home\ and I've added the notification of "All Builds Completed", "Notify After 10 Consecutive Failures", "Notify On All Build Errors". The last two can't be it as the build is successful.

I also tried modifying "ChainCompletedHtmlEmail.ftl" but the same thing, no changes to emails. According to the docs, you don't have to restart the service...

Atlassian, please help!


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 16, 2012


We have introduced some template caching between now and writing those docs. I haven't tested it, but its possible that you do need to restart now. Would you mind performing a restart and letting me know whether it works or not?



Rafael Campana July 17, 2012

Yes, that did it! Could you make sure to update the docs? I wasted too much time on this...


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 17, 2012

Sorry about that. I've raised an issue to get the problem looked at.

Thanks for validating it for me.



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