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Bamboo Yaml Spec Files checkout specific branch

June 17, 2020

I can't find a way in the yaml spec reference to checkout a specific branch of a (linked) repository. Creating an extra linked repository for each branch isn't a clean solution in my opinion.

Does anyone know about this?

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Richard White _TechTime_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 17, 2020


We ran into a similar problem, where we wanted to checkout specific tags or branches of dependencies, depending on the versions used in the main project that is being tested.

I did find a solution, but it is not exactly "clean" - in fact it is really complicated given the simplicity of what I wanted to achieve.

At the start of the build I defined a task, which parses the version of the dependency from the main build and exposes it as a "result variable". In our case they are all maven projects, so we use the Maven Pom Value Extractor plugin for this part.

Then I have defined stages to build each of dependencies. The first task in each of these stages uses a Script task to manually checkout the correct tag / branch of the dependency.

We use java specs so I don't have yaml version to hand, but the basic format is like this:


Stage 1 : Check dependency versions

  1. Extract dependency versions as result variables e.g `dependency_x_version` (Using pom value extractor)

Stage 2: Build dependency x

  1. Script task which checks out git branch or tag based on result variable `dependency_x_version`
  2. build dependency 1

...More stages for other dependencies


Final Stage:

- Build main product we want to test.

June 17, 2020

How do you manually checkout that branch?

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Richard White _TechTime_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 17, 2020

Oh, forgot to actually answer the question:

First we have a checkout task, which checks out the dependencies master branch.

Then, we have a script task with contents similar to below:


#!/bin/bash -x


git branch -a
git checkout $EXPECTED

CURRENT=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
if [ "$CURRENT" == "$EXPECTED"];
echo "Now on branch $CURRENT"
exit 0

echo "On branch $CURRENT, either $EXPECTED does not exist or repo cache outdated



- We had to select the option: "Fetch Whole Repository" on each linked repo

- We had to make sure to checkout each dependency into it's own working directory (and set the script task's working directory to match the dependency in question

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Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2020

Try sth. like this (requires Bamboo 6.10 or later)

version: 2

project-key: PRJ
key: PLAN
name: Plan name
master-branch: branchX

- Default stage:
- Default job

Default job:
tasks: []

triggers: []


June 17, 2020

i need it for another repository which will be checked out, not the main repository.

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